OM 6.0 ” Complications in Head and Neck Oncology – Prevention and Management”
Every Saturday evening from July,11, 2020 to August 15, 2020 – 6 PM onwards
Dear All,
Oncosurgery Mastercourse is an annual Mastercourse conceptualised and designed by Aastha Oncology Associates to keep our head and neck oncology fraternity updated about evidence based knowledge on prevention, treatment and management in various subfields of head and neck oncology.
In past, we have successfully organised five master courses on the subjects like Thyroid Cancer, TEP for Laryngectomy, Reconstruction, Oral Cancers and Video workshop in Head & Neck. A vast number of national and international faculties and participants had attended these events.
We are currently running an online Webinar Mastercourse OM 6.0 on “Complications in Head and Neck Oncology”.
Entire humanity is facing the toughest time of the century i.e. COVID-19. We all are optimistic to find a solution soon.
It becomes more imperative to focus on Positivity and look for the “Light ahead of Tunnel“. Sharing practical experiences mutually is one such thought which not only enriches all of us but also helps us to find positivity.
OM 6.0 is designed to address one of the most important issues faced by all of us i.e. Complications in Head & Neck Oncology. We will have weekly sessions of 2 hours each dedicated to specific issues. The objective is to learn prevention as well as handling complications in our day to day practice from Experts.
We welcome you to this online learning platform to join 1200 plus registrants and world class faculties.
Dr Dushyant Mandlik, Dr Daxesh Patel
Course Directors OM 6.0
Link for registration (Registration is free but mandatory.) : https://forms.gle/9xE3shY39UoTnhuQA
Link for Webinar (for attendees) : https://zoom.us/j/91179474109
All registered participant will get certificate at the end of the webinar series.
OM 6.0 Session 1 – Thyroid Surgeries
OM 6.0 Session 2 – Oral Cavity & oropharyngeal Surgeries
OM 6.0 Session 3 – Neck Dissection
OM 6.0 Session 4 – Laryngopharyngeal Cancers
OM 6.0 Session 5 – Reconstructive surgeries
OM 6.0 Session 6 – Salivary Gland Surgeries, ORN
Contact for further Information:
Kaushal Patel : 9377717111
oncomasters@gmail.com / admin@aasthacancer.com